Let's #StopASWB and Racist Testing
for Maryland Social Workers
In August 2022, the ASWB released a report confirming what social workers have colloquially known for years: ASWB exams are biased, presenting a significant barrier to licensure and employment for otherwise qualified and committed social workers. Thousands of BIPOC, older, deaf, and bilingual social workers, with MSWs from accredited universities, are denied employment in a profession that desperately needs them. Those seeking clinical licensure (following 3000+ hours of supervised practice) are stuck in lower-paying positions, unable to support those coming behind them and unable to best utilize their experience and wisdom.
These exams harm the public, too. With fewer social workers, clients are delayed or denied access to help they deserve - especially in communities of color, where the need is growing. We must remove harmful barriers to licensure.
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